

Safe, reliable system to keep people and equipment safe underground

Maptek VisionV2X reduces the risk of vehicle-to-vehicle and vehicle-to-personnel interactions, with clear communication benefits for mine management, supervisors and equipment operators to ensure a safe underground operating environment.

VisionV2X delivers, by way of Cohda Wireless V2X technology, ranging and positioning data that provide decision support for safe operations. Proximity capabilities form a foundation for improving operational practices around traffic management, mine control and production tracking.

VisionV2X is tailored to underground operations using automotive industry proven 802.11p radio suited to multi-path and mobile underground environments. The ergonomic tablet interface provides clear communication of positioning data for equipment operators, with noise alarms alerting them to critical situations.

Supervisors and mine managers can receive timely dashboard and reporting data via web and mobile devices to support decisions around personnel and equipment safety. 

Maptek Labs.
Maptek Labs.

Maptek Labs

One of the Maptek guiding principles is Create Tomorrow through experimentation and innovation. Our labs pages expose new technologies in development to stimulate conversations and feedback from industry to ensure our solutions meet those needs.

Maptek Cloud Ecosystem


Single ecosystem to harness big data

Stockpile Monitoring System


Optimise the management of your stocks



Generate textured surfaces and export orthomosaic photos

Technologies shown on Maptek Labs are subject to change, and Maptek makes no commitment that these technologies will be made commercially available.